Advisory Services

Chemical Industries

Client wants to hide their formula of productions and we fulfill their requirements through Alias in Item name.

Case Studies The Problem

The Problem

Management wants to hide their Production Process from their staff. Management can't run the daily production by themselves and don't want to show the BOM to employees. Any business will rely on their employee but the success of any business is depend on their secrecy only. It something like Master Chef don't want not share the secrets receipe of his Master Dish and they want to make it by their employees.

The Solution

The Challenge

There are 3 teams get involved and it's difficult to hide the name of Item in whole process from Buy Raw Maetrial to Make final product.

We Made

We advice Name Alias in Management. Name Alias menas give new name or code to Raw Material name to FG process & no employee is aware of original name of item. We have given name alias to Raw Material from their Vendor's Invoice i.e. Purchase Bill. Name alias is applied on Purchase Bill itself, User will enter the purchase bill/inward Material into system with Alias Name, Production incharge get the system generated Alias name for making Final Product. So, Purchase incharge & Production incharge have different name in their system for making final product. e.g. Vendor "ABC" supply actual product name "WER" but alias name mentioned in their bill "AB" and purchase incharge enter the inward as "AB" only but in system backend another name alias will show for Production incharge i.e. "XG" So, produciton incharge will take the raw material "XG" for aking the final product but actually R/M is "WER" which known to Management only.


Secrecy of BOM


Not Emerging the Competitor