Financial & Management Reporting

For All Industry Businesses

We Forecasted the Cash Flow based on transactions & Management can measure their performance based on live data and make preparation based on future cashflow.

Case Studies The Problem

The Problem

Management wants to know their Live "Projected Cashflow" but their accounting software is not generating it.

The Solution

The Challenge

Make Report based on future due dates and to compile all the data of accounts.

We Made

We made Report based on Sales Order, Expected Date of Invoice, Due date of Payments, etc. Here it's summary of Report, Actual closing balance of Cash & Bank + Future Incomings from Sales, Loans, Payment Realisation, etc - Future outgoings through vendor payments, recuring expenses, repayment of loans, purchase of any assets, etc, net of closing balance of Cash balances as of period end.


Forecast Cash Flow & avail the
benefits of situations.


Effective Utilisation of Fund